Friday, March 29, 2013

London Design Festival 2013

From to

First staged in 2003, the London Design Festival is one of the world's most important annual design events. The Festival programme is made up of over 300 events and exhibitions staged by hundreds of partner organisations across the design spectrum and from around the world.

London Design Festival 

News - ECO-B 2013 - 2nd Malaysia Eco Building and Design Exhibition

Green architecture and designs for a more sustainable built and design industry starts here at ECO-B 2013 (2nd Malaysia Eco Building and Design Exhibition),  held from 26-28 March 2013 at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malaysia.

Flyers / Brosuri/ Pliante


Astazi, totul este digital si oricine incearca sa scape de aglomeratia hartiilor din dulapuri si sertare. Vestile se duc mai degraba din vorba in pot spune ca este cea mai simpla forma de advertising pentru orice tip de business. Este adevarat! Unde ati auzit despre locul in care se mananca cel mai bine? Presupun ca de la un prieten sau un coleg....din vorba in vorba....
Ce legatura are asta cu flyer-ul ?
Flyer-ul este un produs vizibil.
Poti sa-l atingi, sa-l impaturesti , sa-l pui in buzunar, sa notezi pe el, sa-l dai mai departe iar design-ul sau nu trece neobservat. Creierul te ajuta sa-ti amintesti ceva ce ai auzit, facand conexiunea vizuala cu imaginile din flyer.
Flyer-ele nu sunt scumpe si pot fi tiparite in diferite forme, marimi si tiraje
Mai sus aveti cateva exemple.

Comenzi la :
Str. Inclinata nr.1-3
intersectie cu
Sos. Viilor, in incinta
Fabricii Carmen
Sector 5,  Bucuresti
T: 021 332 13 11
F: 021 332 13 12


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